The Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Chief Executive Officer, Sean Cairncross on Friday 16th October, 2020 commissioned the first two water kiosks under the Guma Valley Water Company District Metering Area (DMA) Pipe Rehabilitation and Kiosk Demonstration project in Aberdeen and Kingtom respectively.

The Aberdeen and Kingtom District Metering Area and Pilot Kiosks Demonstration activity is one of the interventions under the MCC/MCCU Threshold program which aims to reduce non-revenue water and improve water supply services in Freetown by doing 3km of pipe works, installation of bulk meters, removal and safe disposal of asbestos pipes and 15.6km of spaghetti pipes, construction of 11 water kiosks and installation of 71 manifold connections that will support the water distribution system in Aberdeen. The project which cost about $ 4.12 million will benefit about 40,000 people living in Aberdeen and Kingtom communities.

Speaking at the commissioning, the Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Sean Cairncross said he was proud to represent the Government of the United States of America at the occasion.

“The water kiosk you see here today is the result of a great collaboration between the MCC and the Government of Sierra Leone to bring clean water to the people of Aberdeen”.

Mr. Cairncross said the Threshold Program represent a better future for Sierra Leone; ” by making clean water easier to access, we can put the time spent collecting water back into the community, by allowing children to attend school or allowing parents to participate in the economy. Even more timely, improving clean water access will enable those in the community and across Freetown to better address the impact of COVID-19″.

 “At MCC, we want to ensure Sierra Leoneans have access to clean water and feel safe accessing it as well”, and that was why the kiosks were specifically designed to ensure the safety of women and children by establishing community-led codes of conduct for behaviour and trained kiosk operators and caretakers on these codes of conduct, on the hours of operation and installation of secured lighting system to improve security around the kiosks”, according to the MCC CEO.

In his statement, the Vice President Dr. Juldeh Jalloh expressed gratitude to the American government and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for not only providing the funds for the Threshold program but also for the collaborative partnership extended to implement the program.


Dr. Juldeh Jalloh stated that the Government has identified provision of basic services especially water as a key commitment to the people of Sierra Leone. “Therefore, the provision of safe and affordable water supply and sanitation services is a pillar in the Medium-Term National Development Plan.


“It is our commitment to undertake all the necessary institutional and regulatory reforms and infrastructural development that will support the sustainable provision of water supply and sanitation services not only in Freetown but throughout the country,” the Vice President added.

Dr. Juldeh Jalloh admonished the people of Aberdeen to take very good care of the facilities and ensured that they are protected at all times.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Councillor Ahmed Karim Bangura of Ward 443 in Aberdeen thanked the MCC, MCCU, Adam Smith International (ASI), Guma and ASPAC/NIMO for working collaboratively to bring the clean water and improved access to the community.

Councillor Bangura also thanked the Government for the various projects that it has implemented in the community including the Aberdeen-Lumley Beach Road Water Supply Project, Aberdeen-Lumley Beach Road Solar Light Project and the beautification of the Aberdeen roundabout; all of which has positively impacted on the wellbeing of residents of Aberdeen.

After the commissioning of the water kiosk, the Vice President and the MCC delegation were taken on conducted tour of the facility by the Managing Director of Guma, Ing. Maada S. Kpenge.


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